All things are relative, or COMPARED to something else to put them in the position they are in.
No stat means anything unless you have a comparison. Heat and cold are relative to each other. For example, the word best doesn’t have any “Best” in it if worst didn’t exist. The best is the worst if there is only one thing in the comparison.
You could say, “Boy, today is hot!” But in reality, hot is a relative term. In other words, it could be cold compared to Venus or the Sahara desert. Humans put comparisons to everything…so what is the regular. Well, if we go back to the very beginning when people were trying to figure out how to weigh things, they would put the thing they wanted to weigh on a scale with “a base weight item” on the other side, meaning they based all other items off this one thing. That one item is still based on the ounce system! This proves humans have created their own system of comparison. Without this, the numbers and letters on a graph make no sense.
Everything around us is relative to something else. That’s a scientific concept.
There is only one thing that doesn’t have to be compared to something else to know it’s great. That is God. That’s what makes him so great.