What bone do children break THE MOST and how?
The question often pollutes my mind. Today, I am going to find out.Children most often break their clavicle (collarbone). In fact, 5-10% of ALL pediatric fractures are collarbone-related, and about 40% of infant fractures are the collarbone. The reason is that it's positioned in a very susceptible spot for impact, and is unusually fragile. You can see this in the picture. It’s more pronounced than most of the other bones. The most common way to fall off things like monkey bars and bikes is “FOOSH”, or “fall on an outstretched hand”. On impact, this can cause a lot of force to be transmitted through the arm, impacting the collarbone. But if you’re an adult reading this, remember that being an adult and breaking your collarbone means you won’t heal half as fast. We kids still have some advantages mwahaha 😜
Don’t treat the symptom, find the cause
Firstly, addressing the cause and not the symptom leads to lasting solutions, not temporary fixes. It’s like patching a pipe without noticing the underlying crack. Secondly, “over band-aiding” is a common mistake when people are trying to fix something. It is possible to fix something so many times that the wole thing collapses. Think about trying to patch an old wine skin with new skins; evantually, everything will break and you’ll lose all of it. Instead, just invest in a new wine skin. FInally, which would you choose; a bunch of little fixes that take 10 minutes every day, or a total solution that takes one hour once, then you’re done forever?
This is deciding between treating the symptom or finding the cause. False friendsWhat is a false friend?Someone who’s not a good friend is someone who will be your friend in good times, but in bad times they disappear. In other words, bad friends take advantage of you.How can you be a good friend to people? Well, talking about people behind their backs is a good sign that you don’t value that person’s well-being.
The first step is not to do this AT ALL. True friends lift each other up, support one another in tough times, and respect each other’s dignity, even when they’re not around. Be the kind of friend who stands by others, not just when it’s easy, but especially when it’s hard.A false friend will only be around when the sun shines. And the sun won’t always shine in our lives.
This is so cool pt. 2
Some people believe in miracles, some don’t.
Those of you who don’t believe in miracles can think of this as a cool story.
A boy once saw a discarded host lying on the church floor. He wasn’t sure whether it was consecrated or not, so he took it to the priest. The priest thanked him and put it in a bowl of water in the tabernacle to consecrate at tomorrow’s mass.
On his return the next day, he opened the tabernacle to find a thick, red substance in the bowl he had put the host in. It was blood. The host had been bleeding.
He took it to a lab where they concluded it contained LIVING BLOOD CELLS that were a little over 2000 YEARS OLD. It was CHrist’s blood! The scientists said it would be impossible to preserve living red blood cells for that long; nonetheless, here they were. WOW!Every scientist at the lab converted. WOW!
8 Great Smarts
You’ve probably heard of the 4 temperaments, but have you ever thought, “I wish there was something more specific?” Well, here you are! (I got this idea from my first speech tournament, when a really good speaker named Lily Holloman spoke on it!)
1. Word Smart - Good with language, reading, and writing. - Pro: Great communicator. - Con: May struggle with math or physical tasks.
2. Number Smart - Strong with logic, math, and patterns. - Pro: Great at problem-solving. - Con: May struggle with emotional tasks.
3. Picture Smart - Good with visualizing and spatial awareness. - Pro: Great for art and design. - Con: Struggles with text-heavy tasks.
4. Body Smart - Skilled with physical movement and coordination. - Pro: Great in sports and hands-on activities. - Con: May struggle with stillness or verbal tasks.
5. Music Smart - Sensitive to sound, rhythm, and music. - Pro: Great musicians or performers. - Con: May struggle with non-musical tasks.
6. People Smart - Good at understanding and interacting with others. - Pro: Empathetic and great in teams. - Con: Can be overly sensitive to others' emotions.
7. Self Smart - Self-aware and reflective, good at understanding personal feelings. - Pro: Great for personal growth and leadership. - Con: Can be overly introspective or isolated.
8. Nature Smart - Strong connection with nature and natural patterns. - Pro: Great at environmental or biological tasks. - Con: May find it hard to connect with non-nature tasks.This is so cool Many books have a glorious, redeeming ending where all the pieces of the puzzle suddenly pop together. In The bible, there are a number of them. Here are two amazing connections philosophers have made towards the end of the Gospels in the Bible;
Jesus comes along and says, “Children, have you any fish?" They answer him, "No." So he told them, “cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they cast out, and they caught many fish.
As they came to shore, they saw Jesus had prepared a fire of charcoal, and He asked Simon Peter to go aboard and get some of the fish to roast and eat. Peter went and hauled the net full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three of them; and although there were so many, the net was not torn.
The number 153 seems to be random, but it has striking significance. At the time of this event, scientists had identified 153 different species of fish, a detail that symbolically connects to the idea that, through Christ, the disciples were able to bring people from every nation into the kingdom of God. In this metaphor, the ocean represents the world, the boat symbolizes the Church, and the fish stand for the various races and peoples of humanity. Together, they illustrate the reality that, without Jesus Christ, we can do nothing, and with Him, we can gather all nations into the fold, despite boundaries and divisions.EVERYTHING can happen with God. WOW!
Atomic Habits (totally not a book title 😁)
A 2-inch domino can knock over two times its size. This means by the 18th domino you could knock over the Leaning Tower of Pisa. By the 23rd domino, you could topple THE EIFFEL TOWER!Small daily habits compound over time to create astounding results. If you read ten pages of a book every day, you’d read around 11 books a year, and about 800 books in your life!
Likewise, deepening a relationship with God can be as simple as 15 minutes a day, turning into 7 days a year, and nearly 2 full years of prayer and connection with God over the course of a lifetime.
15 minutes! How simple is that!Why not begin today?
Oh wow gracious me what a great day!! Today is January 9th…it’s cold outside! It also rained today…and those two combined…MAKES A SNOW DAYyyyyy!!The day began with a nice warm hug from mama and a cup of hot cocoa. Aiden called at around 10 and asked what time i’d be able to come out and play. I said I had to do my speech first, but then my mom and I grabbed all the snow-wear from her closet, I put some on, then the rest, and before we knew it I was outside taking a couple pictures with mom. Of course, Aiden somehow saw me and then my mom said, “You can say your speech later,” and I bolted for the backyard (good decision, mama).
The entire day went by so fast; the three of us, Aiden, Lavin, and I, ran around from the snow-hill, to the pizza place (Lavin had already left because his feet were getting cold…BECAUSE HE LITERALLY HAD ON TENNIS SHOES!), and then back to the house to frolic in the snow some more.
Day 2 there wasn’t as much snow but it was still so cozy and amazing! The pizza place was still open during this time; the lady at the front said, “Of course we’re open! We’re from New York!” In her New York accent! 🤣 We got pizza and warm garlic buns. YUMMMMM! It was so fun hanging out with everyone! Although, Aiden thought the sweet tea at Pizza La Scala wasn’t sweet enough, so he put not one, not two, but FOUR ENTIRE PACKAGES Of STEVIA into it!! He almost fell over when he took a sip. Goodness gracious.
Anyhow, it was an amazing two days. 🤩❄️