Is Elon Musk a 21st century Ben Franklin?Though this may seem lofty, it's a genuine question.
Elon Musk invented Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, The Boring Company, SolarCity, and invested in or co-created PayPal, Zip2,, OpenAI, DeepMind, and Maxwell Technologies! That’s a pretty hefty portfolio!
On the other hand, Ben Franklin invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, and the flexible urinary catheter. That's quite a list as well!
While Musk might be in a different field of work (different types of inventing), they both invented a lot of cool stuff, and they both helped design and experiment with other inventors. What do you think?
Explaining complexity of the human brain from a jigsaw puzzle
A jigsaw puzzle such as the one below seems really simple, and is easily solvable, right? To humans, it's a breeze. However, if you tried to ask a robot to figure out a jigsaw puzzle, it would take intense amounts of coding and programming by the human to get the robot to get anywhere CLOSE to finishing even a two piece jigsaw puzzle!
Don’t believe me?
Here’s why:There are 4 key components to our human body that make it so fun and simple to solve easy jigsaw puzzles:
Every mammal has the same amount of bones in their arms. So if bats had the mental capacity to solve one, they theoretically should be able to make a jigsaw puzzle…right? No. it’s the configuration of the bones that matters: The human bone configuration is extremely complex and important, because of the thumb. Imagine trying to quickly solve a two piece jigsaw puzzle with using any part of your thumb…that would be very difficult
Although this is almost 2nd nature to us humans, robots and other mammals don’t have the same mental capacity to see the piece and send a wave through the brain that stimulates the hand to twist the piece. Even though it seems simple, it is MADE simple by our nervous system, brain, and hand. And all of this happens in fractions of a millisecond! AMAZING!
Probably the biggest difference, Humans are able to figure out where a piece goes, whereas robots would have to be programmed many many many times to grasp even the close proximity of a piece’s location. It’s really difficult to explain, but basically there are many ways to figure something like this out: it could be a corner piece, it could be a certain color, it could be a guess, and there are many other ways in which to figure out where a piece goes.
There’s a tiny space between each piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Over a small puzzle, this is only a small problem. But in enormous puzzles, the stretch can become 1-2 centimeters, which means that if one piece is out of order, the rest that are layed down will be popped up above the rest of the puzzle. But humans can tell when its popped up and can wiggle it into place. It seems simple, but is actually highly complex.
In the end, jigsaw puzzles are actually highly complex, but seem simple to us crazy smart intelligent humans.
The art of telling a story through photography
It takes a certain ability to tell a story through art — something I’ve never been able to master and numerous other amateur photographers have had trouble mastering.
It's that touch of beauty in every picture you take; that detail of shimmer captured through the lens from the water, or the christmas tree in the background of a Christmas recipe picture. The beauty of it pulled together is astounding, and very difficult. That’s why a REALLY good photographer is hard to find.
And even when you find him or her, that person might not like the style you’re going for, or edit the photos in a way you can’t imagine being visually appealing to anyone else.
But when you find someone who is amiable and is good at taking exceptional photos, that is someone to treasure.
Advancements in technology for Space exploration
In recent years, bits of incredible technology in the space exploration business have really clicked with each other, forming an almost superintelligent network for these inventions. Here are the biggest three inventions in my 12 years of life:
Increased durability of materials in numerous rockets nowadays, especially in the Falcon9, have increased the ability to use rockets again and again in missions, making them easier, less costly, and more frequently.
Autonomous rovers have improved the ability to go beyond where only humans can go, making space exploration go farther and have a better range. Advanced technology has also allowed humans to control these rovers from earth. For example, on February 18, 2021, one of the first autonomous rovers landed on Mars, completing the 2020 Mars expedition by Spacex.
Electric propulsion systems are drastically more effective in propelling rockets off the ground than the traditional chemical fuel used in the past. It has fewer emissions, and is altogether more effective as it can last longer, allowing space missions to go farther and for longer distances.
Various preparations are underway for the first-ever human mission to Mars in 2030 by Spacex. GOOD LUCK, Spacex!!
4 good-to-know Life tips
1. ‘What are your top priorities?’2. ‘Would it be helpful if I _______?’3. ‘Mind if I join?’4. ‘How does _______ work?’5. ‘The context is … ’6. ‘The key takeaway is … ’7. ‘To recap … ’8. ‘When would it make sense for me to check back in with you?’9. ‘Am I on the right track?’10. ‘Is there anyone else you’d suggest I speak to about _______?’ (These tips taken from elsewhere, I just like them)
Buca Di Beppo
I was invited to my cousin Nora's birthday party at a location right nearby. It was a place we always passed on the way to soccer and almost everything in Southlake. It was called Buca Di Beppo. The experience of this authentically Italian restaurant was exceptional.
It turned just another end advertisement from the mail into a special experience with my cousins and other extended family. There was a lazy susan in the midst of the vatican-themed room, where everyone could access food with just a push of the finger. I think that’s one of the best inventions I’ve ever seen in my life!
The atmosphere was very cozy, and every bathroom stall had tips on how to poop better, which helped out…that sounds disgusting.
Anyways, there were also candy and sticky hands at each place, with which, of course, I had to start a sticky-hand battle with my cousin’s. Overall, it was very fun. One thing I recommend above all else (this was mostly what I ate): THE LEMONY GREEN BEANS! THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!! Afterwards, “the cousin clan” had a sleepover! It was a lot of fun.
I’m going to use these pages as a journal for a couple paragraphs…bear with me 🤪My sister is getting close to college; a wonderful stage for her and us. In the years leading up to college, particularly during junior and senior high school, there's a noticeable shift as seeking out camps and filling out applications for preferred colleges becomes a priority. That’s just what my sister has been doing for the past few months; searching magazines, surfing the internet for resources on colleges, and meticulously clicking through the endless pages on the Neumann list website (an Authentically Catholic colleges list). Skip ahead a few 3o days, and she is leaving our house, heading to Christendom’s camp, “The best week ever”, a college prospect on her list. My mom and I have been living this early July up since then!
First I made zesty-lemon chicken with asparagus (indescribably good!!! YUMMM!), then brownies, and tomorrow (July 10th) I hope to make weeknight cacciatore! We’ve also been watching a couple game shows (The 1% Club & Family Fued), going places (for example, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing), and hanging out! It has been so fun and I think she has enjoyed it too! I love my mom. I miss my sister and my dad too. Dallas Diversions
Dallas/Fort Worth is home to some of the most exotic features. For example, Fort Worth is home to some of the oldest Blackland prairies, which are spans of rare extremely fertile black soil, in the world! A huge ball in the center of Dallas called Reunion tower has a restaurant that spins in it! I’m going to dive into just two of my favorite attractions to Dallas Fort worth in the following article:
Not far behind the Atlanta aquarium, the Dallas world aquarium located in a small looking building from the outside in the heart of dallas is home to everything from Crocodiles and flamingos, to mango-colored birds and fish. It really should be called a “zooquarium”, because of its rainforest-themed atmosphere and design. Not only is it an aquarium, but a zoo and an aviary too! Frogs and beetles from every country are here, alongside huge kangaroo-sized mice (sounds pretty crazy right?!) and the infamous wildcats and ocelots. When I was eating at the cafe amidst the jungle, a Toucan was crazy enough to try and get my food. Thankfully, he was not able to because of a glass door closing the restaurant off from the rest of the “rainforest”. It's a great feeling and an excellent experience.
Home to the final-going Dallas mavericks, this building is an architectural piece of history. The Dallas Mavericks host their popular basketball games in the arena, and it is also a rentable location for other huge events such as hockey games, soccer games, and even concerts. When basketball isn’t being played there, this stadium gets plenty of use. The experience of a mavericks game is phenomenal; a coke at your side, popcorn in hand, the chilling feeling of a three in mid-air, and an occasional startling appearance on the jumbo-tron while doing a happy dance. It's great! It almost feels like you’re outside when you enter the stadium because it is so open and humongous.
Those are just a few attractions to the dallas/fort Worth area!
My mom
My mom is infinitely dedicated to my sister and I. She loves us, feeds us, compliments us, listens to every whim of thought I have and every single story my sister has without tiring. These are qualities every mother should have. Yet sometimes, it is difficult. That is why my mom is such a wonder. And how, but by the grace of God, should I be privileged to be under her wing as I grow up?
I just want to tell my future self to remember where you came from. Mom told me this morning, “Don’t forget your roots.” And that advice will never expire. So please do remember your roots. There is so much more I could say about my mom, but these are called Tidbits for a reason. All I can say is, “Thank you.” Love u momma ❤️🤍💙
Don’t keep count
Living in torment is bad.
but what’s almost worse is when someone is counting all the times you’ve done something wrong.
Keeping count is an awful way to have a relationship. It comes to a point where it’s not even a relationship. It’s a “tolerance”. Why even have that relationship if all it is is a “tolerance”? There’s a certain trouble concerning this in today’s world; the world has adjusted to being too touchy in all topics.
How does this relate back to what I’m talking about?
Because when you have a disagreement or someone is “keeping score” in a relationship, it has become hard to just approach the other and lay it all out, BECAUSE THE PERSON MIGHT BE TOUCHY ABOUT IT! It isn’t just the fact that some people are that way, it's the problem that because many people nowadays are that way, there is no way to tell when someone will take something you say with the wrong perspective. And if they do, you’re out of luck; you can’t take things back in a social sense…it’s just not how life works. So in the end, you’re almost “restricted” from talking things out with your neighbor because of this barrier we’ve created. It is very unfortunate.
Pro-people anti-devil
Is there something magical about the birth canaL? Do babies suddenly gain their human rights after passing through it? Obviously, your answer is “NO!”
If that’s the case, why are thousands of babies every year murdered and thrown into the dump before they even have a chance to take their first breath!?
Beauty surrounds us. It is in every atom, every person, every landmark, and every nook and cranny. But all these things must be protected. Why else would we build state Parks with regulations, or houses to protect God’s most precious creatures? Beauty is in everything.
Yet, where protection is most needed, the protectors stand by and watch. Abortion must cease.
Just as a flower must be given time to break through the ground and take in light, so a baby has to have time to grow and learn. Abortion destroys the bud before it has any ability to blossom.
It is nothing short of murder. But those who do it cannot be blamed. Usually, they have no idea what is really happening.
So who is behind all this?
The master of disguise. The master of deception. The devil.
Still, not a cry is heard. No plea of grace can be uttered before death. These babies are helpless. We must take action and save these babies from the slyest tricks of the devil.
Being pro-life isn’t going against those who are pro-choice. On the contrary, it is only trying to protect all those innocent babies, and restoring their rightful respect! Just as a bully has to be stood up to, so we must stand up to the threats of the devil.
Every life deserves a right to flourish. It reminds me of a pen I once picked up. It read, “Your mother chose not to abort you.”
Printing continues to develop…
Everyone has seen a regular “printer” print paper with ink on it. Everyone that has lived past 1953 knows what a printer does. By definition, a printer is a “device that prints text or graphics on paper.”
But over the years, companies have begun the creation of 3D printers, food printers, and even living cell printers for medical purposes! Here are my 5 favorite types of printers and why:
Are you kidding? THAT’S AWESOME! 3D printers create three-dimensional objects from digital models, making custom prosthetics, rapid prototyping, and innovative manufacturing accessible and practical across many industries. In other words, it’s like copy and pasting in real life!
Where it gets difficult to cook food on a stove or oven, food printers come in handy. For example, you could fit a food printer in a backpack where it would be impossible to pack any other food. Also, in space these printers can keep food pinned in place until the moment they’re eaten! That’s pretty intuitive!
Basically the same as printers, but using invivibility to it’s advantage? That sounds almost too futuristic for me!
This is just plain crazy! Unbelievable!! How do you print a solar panel? The printer uses high-powered voltage and power to put in place materials on a blank board. Once all the materials are gathered, these printers can f=do the work of almost an hour in 1 minute.
It’s so great when highly sophisticated equipment stoops down and masters the easiest of tasks. A Chocolate printer is the perfect example of this: an expensive printer combined with a simply delicious treat! Talk about intuitive yumminess!
What happens when you crack your knuckles?Everyone says that cracking your knuckles can lead to future deformity, but is that really accurate? Here I have enclosed the conclusions of my adventure to sift myth through reality:
When you crack your knuckles, you’re creating a small gas pocket inside the joint that’s popping, or dissipating. The pop sound occurs when the bubbles form rapidly within the synovial fluid that lubricates, or “oils” your joints. How does this all tie into what I’m trying to explain?
Contrary to common belief, cracking your knuckles has nothing to do whatsoever with any part of your muscles or bones, making it very difficult to hurt those things in the future.
Thus, the only way you could injure yourself cracking your knuckles isn’t by the actual pop, it’s by the unnatural force you might apply trying to pop your knuckles. So it’s alright if you pop them only when they’re poppable; it’s when you excessively force a pop on your joint that it becomes injurious.
In conclusion, you aren’t going to injure your knuckles by popping them excessively. And, while it can be a habit you need to break, it won’t have any long-term effect whatsoever. At ease, Joe Rogan! (;
July 1st - National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day!!
Skip those classic chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavors today, and get something exotic. The wonderfulness of creativity in ice cream is the abundance in which to chose from. There are so many options. But everything from fruity to dark chocolate flavors, all make excellent choices.Today we celebrate all those who cleverly add twists and combine to regular flavors of ice cream. For example, changing mint to mint chocolate chip. Now that mint chocolate chips have become normal, they switched out caramel with chocolate.
It became Mint caramel fudge!
Then they added chocolate dippin dots, and voila!!
You’ve got Talenti layered mint caramel fudge ice cream! Sounds pretty deluxe doesn’t it?
Well, every convenience store has got you covered! Go get a carton to try today! It’s a delicious flavor!