5 min read
Today’s novelties, tomorrow’s norms


What does that title mean? In this section, I’m going to be giving a few examples of things that are novelties today, that I think might become more normal by the time I’m older. Not only that, but I think it would be interesting to read something my dad wrote when he was a kid about what he thought was insane that now has become normal, for example, cell phones. It’s just so interesting that a long time from now, many things I once thought were brand new, just like the example with cell phones, will someday be regular old things years from now. Here goes (:


The Cybertruck could have just landed from outer space! Although I can’t know what it will look like years from now. But today it looks like artillery could pop out of it at any moment. Known for its boxy outside design and sleek look both internally and externally (classic Tesla), the creator of the company, Elon Musk, considered having no side mirrors to make it even more attractive and slick. Much to his discontent, to the public’s satisfaction, that is against federal regulations for a road-legal vehicle. Surprisingly, as of 6.7.24, every average person sees JUST ONE on the road every other week. This is how rare they are!

Apple Vision Pro

As it rises to fame as Apple’s first ever visual device, the Apple Vision Pro brings in members of complicated businesses who are interested because of its high capabilities in the working field. One could say it is this, but honestly, the main factor comes down to this:Who doesn’t want to have an immersive, surround-sound movie while traveling? As a great engineering feat of mankind, as well as another step closer to robots taking over humanity, the Apple Vision Pro can be perceived as both creepy and cool. We’ll see how things turn out as the century continues to unravel new technology milestones.

Hoversurf vehicles

After doing a little research on interesting inventions for a column I do in a magazine, my interest in this crazy invention not only made for a great column, it also sparked my curiosity into the world of flying cars. Hoversurf was founded in 2014 by Alexander Atamanov in Russia. Since then, the company has expanded its operations internationally, with a headquarters in California, USA. The company has passed numerous safety flying tests and qualifications, eventually becoming the world’s leader in the field of flying cars! Made to look like a car, these fast, intelligent vehicles are designed to cope with everyday life, only changing one thing: going from driving to flying. They are even designed to the dimensions of a regualr parking lot to ease adaptability!


Though they have been around for a while in my life, the history of podcasting continues to unravel. Podcasts originally launched in the early 2000s, combining digital audio players, internet radio, and RSS feeds. Adam Curry and Dave Winer are often credited with its early development. The first show was hosted sometime in the early 2000’s as well, and from then on podcasting has blossomed into an on-demand hub for all content creators/consumers to post and enjoy other’s media. Some think that radio will go away because of odcasting, but I sure think it won’t. The radio is classic and awesome. I love thewhole experience; ads and talks and shows and promos and all (:

Artificial intelligence

As a supporter of humans continuing to THINK without interruptions, I think artificial intelligence is bad. Programming can do the job for almost everything we want computers to do. And for goodness sakes JUST USE YOUR MIND instead of being lazy and using AI. Com’on. Still, AI will become more and more used in the world unfortunately, whether this be for good or for bad. I find AI creepy.

360 degree treadmill

As a brand new invention by Disney, this 360 degree treadmill is SO COOL! I don’t think it will become as popular as some items on this list, but it definitely will continue to evolve, no matter how unpopular it is. Basically, there are hundreds of these tiny little upside down circle-bottom pyramids all communicating with each other to bring the subject back to the center by turning. It is very seamless. Someday, this will probably connect to a VR headset (or not connect because all it's doing is bringing one back to the middle!) and interact. The full videogame mode would be a haptic suit (for the feel and hit and things), a VR headset (for look and interaction), the 360 degree treadmill (for walking), and a surround sound speaker!! Wow! This treadmill has completed the set! Someday, this will probably connect to a VR headset (or not connect because all its doing is bringing one back to the middle!) and interact. The full videogame mode would be a haptic suit (for the feel and hit and things), a VR headset (for look and interaction), the 360 degree treadmill (for walking), and a surround sound speaker!! Wow! This treadmill has completed the set!
Self Driving cars

This is hypothetical. I don’t see any self-driving cars in the streets, but the Tesla does have a subscription for self-driving, making it possible. Still, it won’t come anytime soon because the subscription is so expensive!In a theoretical world, all cars would be self-driving and would communicate with each other. Each car would have a path of the destination, but when a person picked a route, they would each have an urgency level. If it was an emergency, it would bypass other cars (just like ambulances). Still, if someone was dishonest, they could always enter an emergency, voiding ACTUAL emergencies. People would just have to be more honest for this to apply. Then the cars would communicate to each other and figure out how to most accurately get everyone where they’re going. Also, if all cars were talking to each other, traffic would clear faster! We’ll see how this complicated technology advances as the 21st century keeps chugging along, trying to keep up with all the inventions bogged down on it. Drones in the army

 I wrote a paper about drones; one paragraph was about military drones. Long story short, the military uses drones for its quietness, less danger to a pilot, maneuverability in tight spaces, and scouting where it might not be safe for troops to advance. It is partly turning real battle into a video game, spotting targets and adding them to the screen, then finding weak spots in protection using heat vision. (To the left is a military drone) the size of one’s thumb called, “The Black Hornet,” designed to seek out territory in the quietest of manners. WOW! 
3D Printers/3D printing Pens

3D printers are cool, but who’s heard of 3D pens!? The newest thing yet is drawing in the air, using filament to create a masterpiece starting on the ground with which one can draw anything IN THE AIR! The key is the ultra-hot filament that solidifies on touching air. It freezes right where it is assuming something is supporting it. 3D printers have become so high-tech that they are now using real ingredients to 3D print whole MEALS! The process involves the printing of the first ingredients (e.g. uncooked spaghetti for a spaghetti dish along with the meat), then those are cooked, and the toppings are added all simultaneously. It is so high tech that now they can print out whole rockets, which is an excellent segway to

Reusable rockets

Yes, reusable rockets! SpaceX has come up with extremely high tech material that can be reused multiple times before being retired, highly reducing the price of flying to outer space. This has been extremely cost effective for the brand, reducing the price by millions of dollars! WOW! ANother great invention that has reduced cost of various fields!

VR headsets

Mimicking one’s head movements in the video game, VR headsets are a lot like the Apple Vision Pro except they are fully-emmerice, whereas the Apple Vision Pro is only Augmented, not fully. Of course, it can be full. Anyways, the VR headset is a recent invention that improves gamer’s experience on video games. Its kind of weird, but another amazing piece of technology that will continue to evolve. 

What will they think of next?! By the time I’m older, maybe they will have self-driving cars! Woah. Hello me in 20 years! WHAT'S IT LIKE? BOY THINKING ABOUT STUFF LIKE THAT BLOWS MY MIND AND MAKES ME GO WOW, GOD IS PRETTY COOL (:
Hope you enjoyed this simple short column (:
-Simon 😊 

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